Internet of water
for regenerative
How does it work?

A water data internet powered by photosynthesis

Sustainable Data Infrastructure

Building a network of water data producers, users, and decision-makers across the nation to advance the uptake of modern technologies and improve water management outcomes


Our network is run with self-generated electricity by photosynthesis. No extra electricity supply is needed.

Modular Design

The algae solar cell is designed to be modular that can be connected in parallel or series, and integrated with standardised pipe parts sourced from local hardware stores.

Water Quality Map

How does Phytonet Work?

Sensing organ of waterways

The algae-powered web server not only hosts web content but it is also embedded with environmental sensors to monitor the water quality such as temperature, dissolved oxygen level, and pH of the canal. The data are shared as open data accessible to the community.
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Harnessing electricity from photosynthesis

The algae generator functions like a bioreactor. It consists of two electrodes, in which one side is populated with microalgal biofilm (anode). The Microalgae functions like plants, they do photsynthesis to produce food for themselves, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. In this process, electrons flows are generated. By harnessing this electron flow, electricity is generated to power up our environmental sensors and web servers.
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Our mighty collaborators - Phytoplanktons

These beautiful phytoplanktons from the canal are the main contributor to generating electricity in the algae solar cell. This microbial community includes diatoms, green algae, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. They come together to form biofilms to share food and resources, resulting in an underwater alliance to capture carbon and purify water.

Photo credit: Dr. Lorraine Archer
Find out more about the project research development in our wiki!

Who are we?

We are building an open network to learn, build and contribute to a regenerative internet.

Wanna be part of the revolution?

We are currently looking for talents and collaborators with electrical engineering/ network engineering/ industrial design to join the community.
